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Policy Operation

Policy Operation

Policy on Program Registration, Cancellation, and Operation

a. Payment of Program Fee: The total program fee, amounting to $6,600, is due within a specified period following enrollment confirmation. This timeframe ensures adequate preparation for participant involvement. Alternate payment schedules can be negotiated and must be approved in writing by GIRE staff, providing adaptability for various financial situations. Additionally, students who receive scholarships may be required to pay a reduced program fee or, in some cases, may be exempt from paying the fee altogether, depending on the terms of their scholarship.


b. Cancellation and Refunds: Section c systematically outlines the detailed terms for cancellation and refunds, designed to be transparent and fair to all participants.


c. Refund Schedule:


  • Before Program Start: Full refund for cancellations made up to one week before the program begins.
  • End of Week 1: Withdrawal after the first week entitles participants to a 90% refund of the program fee.
  • End of Week 2: Withdrawal after the second week entitles participants to a 75% refund of the program fee.
  • End of Week 3: Withdrawal after the third week entitles participants to a 50% refund of the program fee.
  • After the Completion of Week 4: No refund is provided for withdrawals after the fourth week.


d. Late Payments and Holds: Delays in payments beyond the agreed terms attract additional fees and may result in a hold on the participant's account, impacting their program participation. This policy is in place to maintain the program's financial integrity and smooth operation.


e. Instructor Change: Participants can request a change in their assigned instructor up to a week before the start, ensuring the best educational fit and experience within the program structure.


f. Program Changes: Any requests for alterations in program start dates, structure, or other key components after placement confirmation may incur administrative fees, reflecting the additional work required to accommodate these changes.


g. Scholarship Recipients: Individuals awarded scholarships must adhere to the same financial terms and conditions as other participants, ensuring equity and consistency in the program's administration.


h. Failure in Program Commitment: If a participant fails to meet their program commitments, GIRE reserves the right to terminate their participation, with corresponding refund conditions per the outlined policy.


i. Program Cancellation by GIRE : In the unlikely event that GIRE cancels a program for reasons beyond the participant's control, a full refund will be issued, ensuring participants are not financially disadvantaged by such decisions.


h. Application Accuracy: It is imperative that all information provided in the program application is accurate and truthful. Discovery of false or misleading information may lead to forfeiture of all payments made and exclusion from the program, underscoring the importance of integrity in the application process.
