Key Changes in the 2024 GENIUS Olympiad | Extracurricular Activities
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The 2024 GENIUS Olympiad has introduced exciting new changes and opportunities for participants. Let’s explore these developments and discover what’s new in this prestigious competition.


Key Changes in the 2024 GENIUS Olympiad

Introducing the New "Coding" Category

Previously consisting of seven categories (Writing, Business, Robotics, Art, Music, Short Film), the Olympiad has now added a Coding category. Through the Coding category, students will use coding skills to solve environmental problems, developing algorithms in the Python programming language to address given issues. This program offers students an unforgettable experience, enhancing life skills such as teamwork, coding, creative thinking, and problem-solving. The platform allows students to collaborate, receive real-time feedback, and revise their solutions, mimicking real-world scenarios. 

   - Team size: Up to 2 members

   - Eligibility: International and US high school students from 8th to 12th grade

   - Competition ProcessFirst Step Competition → Final Step Competition → Final Step Scoring


Publish Research Papers in IJHSR 


All participants of the GENIUS Olympiad, as well as other high school researchers, can publish their research papers in the peer-reviewed International Journal of High School Research (IJHSR).

Become a GENIUS Olympiad Partner in Your Country


The GENIUS Olympiad is enabling organizations to host country-specific GENIUS Olympiad fairs. Interested organizations can develop and operate these fairs through a licensing agreement with Terra Science and Education, the sponsor and owner of the GENIUS Olympiad.

RIT Scholarship Program


RIT, one of the top 50 universities in the US, encourages students to apply for the GENIUS Olympiad scholarship. By applying to RIT and checking their GENIUS Olympiad status, participants can receive scholarships of up to $25,000 per year upon attending RIT. Click here for more information.


The 2024 GENIUS Olympiad promises to be an exciting event with new categories, opportunities for publication, and scholarships. Join us in this journey of innovation and environmental consciousness!