Hello, GIRE! With the introduction of
Bitcoin in 2009, the use of blockchain has exploded with the creation of
various cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance (DeFi) applications,
non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and smart contracts. Blockchain technology is on
the rise, with Gartner predicting that it will create $3.1 trillion in business
value by 2030. And with more industries applying blockchain, data privacy and
legal compliance have become critical. GIRE talks to a professor from Carnegie
Mellon's Department of Computer Science about how to do it right!
[What is a blockchain?]

A blockchain is a distributed database
mechanism shared among nodes on a computer network. Blockchain technology
allows information and records to be shared securely and decentralized within a
business network. It can be used in any industry, not just cryptocurrency, to
create an immutable or unchangeable ledger to track orders, payments, accounts,
and other transactions.
[Why blockchain is important]

Traditional database technology relies on
unreliable sources or complicated procedures to record financial transactions.
For example, when real estate is sold, ownership of the property is transferred
to the buyer through money, but both the buyer and seller record the monetary
transaction separately, creating unreliable sources on both sides. The seller
could claim to have received the money when they didn't, or the buyer could
claim to have paid the money when they didn't. Blockchain's decentralized, tamper-proof
system solves this problem of trust by creating one ledger for the buyer and
seller. Other benefits of blockchain include: 1) Advanced security: Blockchain's three
principles of encryption, decentralization, and consensus make it impossible to
tamper with transactions, providing a high level of trust.
2) Improved efficiency: In B2B
transactions, the presence of a third-party regulator can create an operational
bottleneck. Blockchain is a true peer-to-peer network that reduces dependence
on intermediaries. 3) Faster auditing: Blockchain records are
always in chronological order, allowing for transparent and fast auditing. “44% of organizations are capable of using
blockchain technology to document transactions in a secure manner” - SAP (Market
leader in enterprise application software) [Blockchain and Industry Transformation]

The top five industries that will be
revolutionized by blockchain technology are: 1) Banking: Blockchain is revolutionizing
the banking system by providing a peer-to-peer payment system with the highest
security and lowest fees. 2) Cybersecurity: Quickly identifying
malicious attacks and enhancing security through cryptographic algorithms. 3) Supply chain management: enables product
traceability, and validates and audits transactions across multiple supply chain
partners. 4) Healthcare: Enable instant access to
data to enhance privacy, security, and interoperability of medical records. 5) Government: Voters can vote without
revealing their identity and information is never erased. [How Blockchain Works]

1. Record transactions 2. Build consensus 3. Linking blocks 4. Sharing the ledger [Types of blockchain networks]

▶Public blockchain networks: Anyone can
participate in the blockchain. It is mainly used to exchange and mine
cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. ▶Private blockchain networks: The organization
decides who can be a member and what power they have on the network. An example
of a private blockchain is Ripple, a digital currency exchange network for
businesses. ▶Hybrid blockchain networks: Combine
elements of private and public networks. This allows organizations to control
who has access to certain data stored on the blockchain and what data is
publicly available. ▶Consortium blockchain networks: Also known
as federated blockchains, these eliminate the risks that can arise when one
entity controls the network in a private blockchain.
[Blockchain and cryptography research:
Prof. Vipul Goyal]

GIRE is supporting a research experience
with Prof. Vipul Goyal from Carnegie Mellon's Department of Computer
Science to delve deeper into 'Blockchain and Cryptography'. ▶Research Interests: #Cryptography
#Information Privacy #Computer Science #Artificial Intelligence #Regression
Analysis #Computer Science ▶Recommended students: Students who want to
major in computer science or pursue related careers. Students who want to apply
blockchain and cryptographic technologies in real life. These are the current research topics of
Prof. Vipul Goyal. ▶ Quantum key leasing for pke and fhe with
a classical lessor ▶ Split-state non-malleable codes and
secret sharing schemes for quantum messages ▶ Reusable Secure Computation in the Plain
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is the only one in Korea that provides dissertation research consulting
directly from consultants currently working as professors at the world's top
universities. With GIRE, high school students
receive direct support from consultants and conduct unprecedented research in
research areas they are curious about, acquiring specialized knowledge,
discovering new facts, and considering ways to utilize the research results.
Students who complete this course
will be issued a letter of recommendation and a certificate of completion.
Furthermore, they will be submitting their paper to a promising high school
academic journal. GIRE nurtures students who do
research, not students who study. If you are a student who would like to go
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