Hello. This is GIRE (Grace Institute
of Research & Education). GIRE is an organization that operates a Research & Education Fellowship and Research Assistant Internship where you can receive direct research
consulting from professors at prestigious American universities, including the
Ivy League.
The importance of an internship
Recently, the importance of test
scores such as SAT/ACT is no longer an effective factor in college admissions. Many top Ivy League schools (Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, etc.) have
adopted SAT-Optional policies, especially as the number of students canceling
the SAT has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the acceptance rate
to top universities has decreased, high SAT/ACT scores are no longer
enough to get into top universities. "So what do
you need?"
Colleges are responding to this trend by placing more emphasis on
students' capabilities. Extracurricular activities and unique creative
portfolios that reflect students' experiences and personalities have become
important indicators for evaluating students' vision and abilities. Among them, the Research Assistant Internship is preferred for students entering elite
schools in the United States. Statistics show that the research experience and
thesis gained through an internship program increased the university acceptance
rate by four times. In particular, students majoring in STEM can enhance their
expertise and help set career paths by experiencing the research they will
conduct in college.
Internship Program for High School
& College Students
GIRE's RA Internship Program is an
activity for high school and college students that allows them to gain valuable
research experience by participating in a research project conducted by faculty
members from top schools in the United States. We contribute to cultivating
students' critical thinking, logical analysis, and independent
knowledge-seeking skills through our internship program.

The GIRE RA internship is a 12-week
program that provides a comprehensive research experience. You'll contribute to
faculty research projects and expand your research insights. Before applying to the Research Assistant Internship Program, make sure you meet the eligibility
requirements. We also support scholarship programs for students with high GPAs
and TOEFL scores. GIRE RA Internship faculty will provide a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and research experience to inspire and guide you on your
journey to becoming a competent researcher. Apply for the GIRE Research and
Assistant Internship!
Internship Program Faculty
"Healthcare" Professor Norman Kleiman
▶Research interest: #Aging #Encironmental Health #Genetics #Public Health Education
▶Recommended student: Students who are interested not only in health science but also in ophthalmology and radiation research.
Professor Michelle R. Kaufman
▶Research interest: #Gender #HIV #Health disparities #Adolescent health #Substance use
▶Recommended student: A student who wants to pioneer a social structure that can help the underprivileged and learn medical treatment. Students interested in solving the health problems caused by social imbalances
Professor Tylor Mason
 ▶Research interest: #Eating disorder #Obesity #Etiology
▶Recommended student: In addition to students interested in majoring in Medicine or Health Science, students who want to conduct pharmacological research, treat diseases, and conduct psychological analysis of populations.
Professor Rita Burke ▶Research interest: #Health Promotion #Disease prevention #Global Health
▶Recommended student: A student interested in health measures for vulnerable groups. Students who want to research medical treatment on a global scale.
Professor Jun Wang

▶Research interest: #Medical chemistry #Pharmacology #Chemical biology
▶Recommended student: Students wishing to major in pharmacy, medical school, chemistry, or bio-related fields. Student who dreams of working in new drug development at a global bio company
Professor Tim Janssen  ▶Research interest: #Substance use disorders #Underage drinking #Psychology #Pharmacology
▶Recommended student: Students who wish to become a youth drug addiction treatment counselor or want to learn about the psychology of drug addiction.
Professor Carmen Messerlian
▶Research interest: #Epidemiology #Infectious Diseases #Chronic Diseases #Biology #Public Health
▶Recommended student: Students who are interested in human reproductive health and development and in performing clinical practice
Professor Unjali Gujral

▶Research interest: #Cardiometabolic Diseases #Cardiovascular Diseases #Diabetes #Disease Pathogenesis #Epidemiology #Global Health
▶Recommended student: Students who are interested in diabetes etiology Students who are interested in minority's health
"Computer Science" Professor Mathew Caesar  ▶Research interest: #Computer science #IoT #AI/ML #Cyber security and stability
▶Recommended student:
A student who hopes to major in CS and is interested in the ever-emerging field of artificial intelligence.
Students who want to apply cyber security in a real environment
Professor Nam Wook Kim  ▶Research interest: #Visualization #Human-Computer Interaction #Data-driven stoytelling #Creativity support tools #Crowdsourcing
▶Recommended student:
In addition to students interested in CS majors, students who want to deal with big data and conduct their research and storytelling through data.
Professor Vipul Goyal
 ▶Research interest: #Cryptography #Security & Privacy #Theoretical Computer Science
▶Recommended student: In addition to students interested in CS majors, students who want to learn cryptography and apply it to real world
Professor Harrison Zhao  ▶Research interest: #Machine Learning #Artificial Intelligence (AI) #Theory & Algorithms
▶Recommended student: In addition to students interested in CS majors, students who want to build trustworthy ML systems that are efficient, robust, fair, and interpretable. Students who want to learn about machine learning
Professor Shai Revz
 ▶Research interest: #Bio-inspired control #Dynamical systems #Biomechanics #Legged locomotion #Modular robotics
▶Recommended student: Students who are interested in robotics and creating their own hardware Students who want to study bio-inspired robotics and new methods and mechanisms for control
Professor Sheng Wang  ▶Research interest: #Natural Language Processing(NLP) #Language Model (LM) #Machine Learning (ML) #Computational biomedicine #Computer Science
▶Recommended student: Students who are interested in Computer Science and Engineering Students who are interested in Bio-Medical Engineering and Medicine Students who want to use NLP methods to solve biomedical problems "Social Science"
Professor Karan Girotra

▶Research interest: #Artificial Intelligence #Digital Transformation #Business Model Innovation #Supply Chains #Electric Vehicles
▶Recommended student: Students who want to pursue a career in Business Students who are interested in Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Technology
Think Tank: Portulans Institute
▶Research interest: #Culture #Economics #Politics #Education #Social Science
▶Recommended student: Students who want to pursue a career in Social Science Students who are interested in developing cross-community knowledge and dialogue on how people, technology, and innovation contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth.
